How Many Types of Braces Are There?

Dental braces are one of the best ways to improve your smile’s appearance, health, and daily function.

Different braces are available to correct various dental issues, such as crowded, crooked, rotated, or gapped teeth. 

After assessing your teeth, a dentist will recommend the best option to improve the alignment of your teeth, which will enhance your smile while protecting your oral health.

Each type has pros and cons that will be taken into consideration, ensuring a patient receives the correct braces for their need and preferences.

Read on to learn how many types of braces there are and the options a dentist or orthodontist might recommend to you.

Traditional Metal Braces

When a dentist recommends braces, traditional metal braces likely spring to mind. They are made from stainless steel brackets and wires that are attached to teeth but can be altered when necessary.

Modern versions of traditional braces can feature heat-activated archwires, which will use a patient’s body heat to help teeth move quickly with less discomfort than older alternatives.

As metal braces are visible when a person talks or smiles, you can request tooth-colored or clear ligatures to make them less noticeable.

Metal braces are the most popular option available, as they are the most affordable and will straighten teeth effectively. However, the metal aesthetic may make some people feel self-conscious.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces, often referred to as clear braces, offer the same benefits as metal braces but are made from ceramic materials to blend in with your teeth.

They are still visible when you smile but will be less noticeable than metal alternatives when talking or smiling, making some people feel less insecure when wearing them.

However, bear in mind that they are more expensive and fragile, and they are susceptible to staining if you don’t care for them correctly.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are constructed from the same metal as traditional braces; however, they will be attached to the back surfaces of your teeth instead of the front, meaning people cannot see them when you smile. 

As the braces are behind your teeth, you can smile with confidence, as people won’t know you are wearing them. 

However, it will likely take longer to achieve your desired tooth alignment, as they often aren’t as effective as traditional metal braces. 

Also, you may experience a little discomfort due to direct contact with your tongue, and the hidden fit means lingual braces are often harder to clean.

Self-Litigating Braces

At first glance, self-litigating braces might look like traditional metal braces. There are, however, some big differences. 

For instance, it replaces traditional ligatures with clips to hold the archwire firmly in place, preventing unwanted friction.

As a result, they can better protect a person’s oral hygiene, as they will find it easier to clean their teeth and the braces. 

As they are similar to traditional metal braces, you can enjoy better tooth alignment once removed, but they are typically more expensive.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, often referred to as invisible braces, are an effective, aesthetically appealing alternative to the above braces. 

The custom-made plastic tray is worn over teeth and is well-regarded for improving misalignment. 

Unlike traditional metal braces, they don’t feature any brackets and wires, and they are removable.

For instance, popular brands like Invisalign require a person to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours daily, meaning they can be removed when eating, drinking, or brushing teeth.

Most people will need to remove and replace their clear aligners with a new series every two weeks during treatment. Some people may need to wear between 18 to 30 aligners to straighten their teeth.

Bear in mind that clear aligners are more expensive than the above braces, as they are more aesthetically appealing and provide more freedom when eating and drinking. 

Also, they are often recommended to teenagers and adults with minor or moderate misalignment.

How to Care for Your Braces

Good oral hygiene is essential when wearing any dental braces. If you fail to effectively brush and floss your teeth, plaque and tartar will accumulate around the brackets and wires, increasing your risk of cavities and gum disease.

Keep your teeth and gums happy and healthy by brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Also, you must floss your teeth and around your braces daily. Your dentist or orthodontist can recommend specific dental floss for braces, such as orthodontic flossers, floss threaders, dental picks, or water flossers.

If you choose clear aligners, don’t forget to clean the tray each day and correctly store it when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.

Regardless of the braces you choose, we recommend swishing your mouth with an antibacterial, alcohol-free mouthwash twice daily. 

You must avoid consuming sticky, crunchy, or hard foods, such as popcorn, chewing gum, chips, hard candies, and nuts.

Schedule routine appointments for dental cleanings, oral health exams, and tightening and maintenance, too.

How to Protect Your Teeth After Wearing Braces

It doesn’t matter if you select traditional metal braces or clear aligners; it is wise to wear a retainer once the treatment is over to retain your straight, healthy smile.

It will stop your teeth from shifting to their former positions, undoing the straightening. Various retainer options are available, and a dentist or orthodontist will recommend the best option for your specific needs.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are looking for a friendly family dentist that provides quality orthodontics, such as braces, clear aligners, and retainers, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at bafdentistry to develop your dream smile.

Our talented team has the skills and experience to help you create a healthier, straighter smile. 

In addition to recommending the best braces for your needs and lifestyle, we can protect your oral health before, during, and after the treatment with full oral exams, dental X-rays, professional dental cleanings, fillings, and many more dental services.

Schedule an appointment by calling our friendly team at (828) 216-9531 or email We look forward to your call.