How to Improve My Dental Health

When you meet someone new, they make a judgement of you in the first 0.003 seconds. 

That means, if you are in the business world, you will usually have to give a firm handshake, speak loudly and calmly, and flash your smile. The latter is where as many as 1 in 4 people struggle.

Having the perfect Hollywood smile is one thing, but if you have poor dental health, it can impact on your confidence, and will prevent you from showing your pearly whites. This can have an impact on your social life, as well as your personal, and will have an impact on your health. 

At BAF Dentistry, we offer our patients tips and techniques on improving and maintaining their dental health, as well as restorative options and even cosmetic treatments. So, whatever you want for your smile, we can offer it to you!

So, if you are fed up with bad breath, cavities, and general oral issues and are asking "how to improve my dental health" at least once a day, read on for our quick guide below. 

Common Causes of Poor Dental Health 

At our dental surgery, our dental team sees thousands of people every month who want healthy teeth, healthy gums, and, of course, fresh breath. All these things are an indicator of your overall oral health and physical health (as well as reflecting a balanced diet), so, here are the reasons we see that can cause oral hygiene to become bad.

Lack Of Brushing/ Poor Brushing Technique

Most people know to brush their teeth twice a day, to use a fluoride toothpaste, as well as swig with mouthwash. However, are you doing that right? Or even the right way round?

Our team knows the correct brushing technique for every person and can advise you on the right way and order, to clean your teeth. We usually advise our patients to use electric toothbrushes, as well as water flossers. We can advise you on the right antibacterial toothpaste to reduce the chances of you developing decay gum disease and to improve your overall oral health. 

Too Many Carbohydrates 

People like sugar. We get it. Sugar is sweet, addictive, and great to add to your tea or coffee in the morning. As well as this, we know that people love bread, pasta, and other carbs, due to the fact that they give energy and comfort.

To restore dental health, and to prevent cavities and gum disease, our team will always recommend cutting down on sugar and carbs, as carbs are the main food groups that have been linked to prevalent dental disease. If you are in the process of cutting carbs down in your diet, we recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove excess sugar after each meal (a 1-minute quick brush will usually suffice) as well as tongue cleaning with a tongue scraper. This will get the sugars out of your mouth and protect your smile,

Not Attending Check-Ups

Dental visits are important for your oral health and general health, and as such, we recommend visiting our team for dental check-ups every 3-6 months, depending on your oral health and if you have other factors, such as a fitted brace.

We know it's not fun. We know that most of our patients throw their reminders in the bin when they arrive at their homes. However, dental health has been linked to general health in more ways than one. Studies have found time and time again that those who attend dental check-ups every six months have a lowered chance of developing cancer, heart disease, and even strokes. It is also the perfect time to talk to our dental team about cosmetic dental care, or to investigate lifestyle changes we can help you with, such as how to avoid tobacco to lower your chances of oral cancer. 

If you miss check-ups, you are doing your mouth and yourself a disservice. It's only 10 minutes, and we offer flexible appointment options, allowing you to fit dental check-ups in around work, school, and other commitments. Try to attend every six months, as this will allow us to catch issues early, preventing discomfort, cost, and embarrassment.

If you have a phobia or anxiety about seeing our dental team, we can help with that too; just tell us, and we will work with you to make the appointments as stress-free as possible.

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth 

Has your dentist told you that you could benefit from wearing a brace?

This is not all about having a Hollywood smile- for many people, their crooked teeth may be harming their oral health. Imagine you had a pressure washer and had to clean a driveway; if the driveway were smooth, with all of the tiles in a line, with no gaps, it would be an easy job. However, if the driveway were full of gaps, with bits of the tile work sticking up, you would need to spend more time and energy trying to get rid of the dirt.

As mentioned above, the technique is so important for removing plaque when it comes to brushing your teeth. If you have teeth that are spaced, crowded, or misaligned, even the best dental regime, the perfect brushing technique, and daily flossing, you will miss spots if you have crooked teeth. This means that plaque and bacteria will accumulate, and you may start to get cavities, and which will also impact your gum health.

Our dental team at BAF Dentistry knows that taking on braces is no small thing; they are expensive, can be uncomfortable, and aren't exactly commonplace in adults. However, they are a tool to help you get the straighter smile you want and to help improve your oral health. So, if your dentist has recommended braces or aligners to correct misaligned teeth, it may be worth having a chat with them about it, especially if you have had a lot of cavities.